Google welcomes SEOnerdSwitzerland! Sara and Isaline are thrilled to meet you in-person meetup, welcome 2 speakers & a Q&A session with the entire Google Search Relation Team. You find here key learnings and slides.
SEOnerdSwitzerland is a the one and only non profit association meant to share knowledge about SEO in Switzerland. We organise organizes events open to all. SEOnerdSwitzerland was founded in 2019 by Sara Moccand-Sayegh and Isaline Muelhauser, international SEO consultant at
SEOnerdSwitzerland is a community open to all – the biggest and unique SEO community across Switzerland
⛵ Kick-start, navigate and accelerate your SEO career
💬 English, German and French events
🇨🇭Online and in-person events
📚 Networking & resources to develop your career (personally & professionally)
💰Events without entry fees
🐣 Welcome new public speakers: feedback & training to new speakers
We are open to all and we offer a headstart to women in SEO resulting in diverse attendance.
SEOnerdSwitzerland at Google
On August 23rd 2022, SEOnerdSwitzerland organised a special in-person conference at Google HQ in Zurich for only 50 people. There were two speakers and a Q&A session with the whole Google Search Relation Team.
Practical tips for auditing JavaScript Websites by Ulrika Viberg
As building new websites in JavaScript has become more or less a normality for web developers, SEOers also need to learn how to audit and troubleshoot JS site to ensure they are indexed properly. In this session we will look at the most important things to consider when auditing and troubleshooting, as well as getting a few tips on what tools to use.
🚀 Read Ulrika’s detailed article about auditing JavaScript in a website in development.
🔥 Our speaker: Ulrika Viberg, Senior SEO, Digital Unikorn AB
Ulrika Viberg – Founder of Unikorn ( Ulrika has a solid background in all things web considered, with a deep knowledge in Technical SEO, Web Projects and Digital Strategies! We personally like Ulrika’s approach to SEO that places the user and their needs at the center of SEO activities (users are too often forgotten!).
Follow Ulrika on Twitter @UlrikaViberg

Practical tips & learnings about auditing JS from Ulrika Viberg
🍰☕️ Embed yourself in the technical team before launch to be kept in the loop, answer questions, be nice and… yes, coffee & cake bribery always work.
Our learnings:
- There always an issue discovered in audits before launch 😱
- Devs don’t learn SEO at uni, work together 🤝
- Server side rendering is not always the answer
News SEO – Editorial differences between Search and Discover by Veronika Kuchynskaya
To succeed as a website publisher, journalists need to adapt the content they create to correctly impact the algorithm. Search is about increasing loyalty from readers with long evergreen content while Discover is a unique opportunity to attract new readership. New users are a must for any news website. How to search, and the way users and SEO Specialists understand ‘search’ has changed tremendously over the years. With tips and examples, let’s understand the different ranking factors affecting Search and Discover for News SEO.
🚀 Read Veronika’s slides about Search and Discover ranking factors
What is Blick?
Blick is a Swiss German-language daily newspaper, published by Ringier in Zürich. Blick probably runs the biggest Newsroom in Switzerland and reaches 4.5m unique users in February 2019. SEO (Organic) traffic is the second biggest traffic source for and an important source to reach new, younger and women share target groups.

🔥 Our speaker: Veronika Kuchynskaya, SEO Content Marketing Specialist, Ringier AG
Veronika understands the needs of publishing companies and how to apply successfully SEO principles. For the her team is responsible for strategy, technical SEO, SEO Data and the collaboration process between SEO specialists and journalists.
Follow Veronika on Twitter @veronicatoday
Practical tips & learning about Search and Discover ranking factors
How to get into the “Top Stories Box”:
- Be quick to publish (monitor trends) ⚡️
- Use right keywords in title 📰
- Focus on enticing visuals to boost CTR 🎨
- Authority in Top Stories is stronger than freshness 👩⚕️
- Use entities in the headlines/URLs (people, places, product) 🏢
Q&A with the Google Search Relation Team
The Q&A was unrecorded – just like the talks. Here are key learnings from the conversation.

Tweeted by Julian: What is the most overrated thing in SEO (what do people spend too much time with)
- From Gary & Lizzy: page experience update
- From Martin Splitt: Probably Links
- From John Muller: word count (& computers)
The rest of the conversation remains secret. If you want to know more, attend SEOnerdSwitzerland events 😄
How to join SEOnerdSwitzerland?
The events are open to all. ➡️ Join the community now. You will receive notification as soon as a new event is published. If you enable the emails from meetup, you will receive the emails from the organisers Isaline & Sara.
SEOnerdSwitzerland is organised for you. Everything that you do to support the community matters. Following SEOnerdSwitzerland on Twitter, liking and sharing Tweets. and invite your friends.

When you follow SEOnerdSwitzerland on Twitter for example or share visibility, you make it easier for us, organisers, to find sponsors and organise events free for everyone. Thank you for your help!