Vision for SEOnerdSwitzerland
We are open to all, but we offer a headstart to women in SEO resulting in diverse attendance.
Empower SEOs in their career by developing speaking skills
Foster diversity, not only gender, but also background, language & ethnicity
We offer training & coaching

Amplify and support Swiss SEO specialists
Provide visibility
Resources hub
Networking opportunities
community members
stars rating
We usually organise 2 in-person events and 2 online events each year.
We organise in-person events and online events, depending on the sponsoring. Do support us, our audience is ready to join us to more events. We just need the funding. (And did we mention our plan to develop a mentoring program?) Support us, you won’t regret it, we do great things.
English, German and French events
We are unique: our community reach across languages in Switzerland. Our enthusiasm in SEO unites us.
Online and in-person events
We connect our Swiss audience with local event and connect the Swiss SEO to the international SEO community with online events.
Zurich, Bern and Lausanne
When we say local, we say geographically approachable. Our local events are truly local.
Online events available to watch on Youtube and to read (transcript)
We want knowledge to be accessible in the best way possible for different ways of learning and growing.
Resources Hub
There are many resources out there. We share trustworthy and useful resources that SEOs can trust to grow and learn.
We offer training and coaching
We are convinced that public speaking leverages a career. As seasoned speakers, we offer training and coaching to first time speakers.
“Tolle Community rund um SEO. Ich lerne immer neues und treffe spannende neue Leute.”
Nicolas Glauser
“SEOnerdSwitzerland is the best. Sara and Isaline put thought, time and heart into the project. After each event, you walk out smarter, happier and with at least one friend more.”
Corina Burri
Sponsoring packages SEOnerdSwitzerland
If you’re interested in becoming a SEOnerdSwitzerland Sponsor but still have some questions, reach out to for more information. Otherwise, fill the form and we’ll get back to you.
Bicycle 500.-
Support ponctually.
- Mention on meetup + at the beginning of 2 events
- Mention in Newsletter for 2 months
- Mentions on social media for 2 months
Poney 1.5k
Support several events.
- Possibility to introduce yourself at 1 in person event
- Mention on meetup + at the beginning of each meetup during 6 months
- Mention in Newsletter sponsor for 6 months
- Mentions on social media for 6 months
Rocket 3.6k
Enrich our growing community.
- Possibility to introduce yourself + share swag at 2 in person events
- Mention on meetup + at the beginning of each meetup during 12 months
- Mention in Newsletter as a sponsor for 12 months
- Mentions on social media for 12 months